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The Southlands Gallery was reborn with an Advent show during the Holiday Season. 

Signs of
the Seed

Amazing artist, Kip Henderson provided us with a solo exhibition of his amazing ink drawings, inspired by a signed word from each of the verses in the creation account described in Genesis. 

The CROss
The Crown

Based on a sermon series through the book of Mathew,
this show opened concurrent with Holy Week.  


This was the Southlands Gallery's fourth show.  With a God of light as inspiration, artists offered various interpretations of how we might seek and share it. 

VISION 20-20

This was the Southlands Gallery's fifth show.  Using the beginning of a new year and decade as the focus, viewers were encouraged to look to Jesus Christ as their sight for sore eyes.  How he offers healing from past pain and a future full of hope. Conceptual work exploring spiritual blindness, the eyes of faith, the power of paradignms, and the promise of the prophetic were on view.  This show opened just weeks before the Covid-19 Pandemic would send  us on a two- year hiatus.   The work remained installed until public gatherings resumed.

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